School Uniform

At Talbot Primary School we believe a uniform is important for all children attending this school. It is compulsory. A uniform helps to develop a sense of individual and collective pride in their identification with the school. This dress code will promote group security and individual safety, particularly on excursions.


Summer Uniform

Brown and white checked dress

Brown Skorts

Brown Shorts

Brown and Yellow Talbot School Ruby Top

Yellow polo shirts

Sturdy Black Shoes/sneakers or sandals with enclosed toe.


Winter Uniform

Brown Track Pants

Yellow/Polo Shirt/Skivvy

Brown Ruby Top

Sturdy Black Shoes / sneakers



Yellow broad brimmed hat.

Sun Smart- as Talbot Primary School is a “Sun Smart School” all children are required to wear broad brimmed hats 1st and 4th terms and when the UV index exceeds 3. On casual days all students are still required to wear clothing with sleeves while outside in the sun. Our Sun Smart and uniform policies are available from the school office upon request.



Apart from watches, jewelry is not appropriate for school wear. Earrings other than studs are especially dangerous.



Hair is required to be kept off the face.  It is also advised that long hair be tied up.


  • Samples of the complete school uniform are available at the office to compare sizes so that the correct uniform can be ordered.
  • Frequently during the year, orders are placed for a supply of rugby tops, t-shirts, shorts and track pants.  Uniform dresses are also available from the office.  Notices are included in the Newsletter with order forms.
  • Clothing should be clearly labelled.
  • Unclaimed clothing is washed and taken to the opportunity shop, with the exception of brown and gold clothing which will be available from the school pre loved clothing shop.
  • Thongs and slip on shoes are not suitable or acceptable for school.  Neither are singlets/tank tops worn as outer clothing.

The school operates a second-hand uniform shop.


Uniform Order Form

© 2020 Talbot Primary School