School Values

The Talbot Primary School community maintains a commitment to the five values of:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Persistence
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty

Through these values we aim to:

  • provide a caring, supportive and protective environment, which promotes a healthy spirit of co-operation and encourages respect for all
  • offer a comprehensive curriculum, which encourages high standards in learning and provides opportunities to maximise the potential of all students
  • develop in each child the ability to adapt to change, accept challenges and set realistic goals
  • foster and develop each child's natural abilities, which make it possible for each to enjoy a sense of achievement and self-worth
  • develop in each child a sense of responsibility to the community by fostering networks with other local groups
  • promote effective communication processes, which enhance and strengthen the partnership between home and school.

© 2020 Talbot Primary School